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Spray Adhesives

Spray mount is ideal for fast paste up work allowing you to re-position your artwork before drying to a permanent bond.

Photomount adhesive spray for permanent mounting of photgraphs, prints and illustrations. Gives time to reposition before complete bonding takes place.Quick and simple to use even with resin coated papers.

Displaymount heavy duty spray adhesive for exhibition and display work. Suitable for most porus and non-porus materials including fabrics, heavy card and board, wood, foam and polystyrene

A Clear adhesive spray for permanent mounting of photgraphs, prints and illustrations. Gives time to reposition before complete bonding takes place.Quick and simple to use even with resin coated papers. 400ml..

Indvidual Price: £21.65

Ex VAT: £21.65
Inc VAT: £25.98
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